Dr. Anahis tena - Post-Doc
Genevieve Ramirez - Undergrad Researcher
Undergraduate @ Univ. of texas, El paso
Dr. Ruth Schade - phd student
education outreach coordinator @ stanford university school of medicine
Dr. Alvin Han - PhD Student
Postdoc @ EMBL Heidelberg
Gianmarco del gallo - visiting scholar
phd student @ univ. of hamburg
Dr. Aisling Brady - Visiting Scholar
Postdoc @ Univ. of liverpool
Lauren Carriere - research intern
student @ university of nevada, reno
Dr. Trung hoang minh pham - research fellow
Assistant Professor @ Stanford university school of medicine
Dr. Oscar Diaz - PHD Student
Drug development trainee @ Genentech
dr. Meagan hamblin - phd student
Consultant @ Eversana Management consulting
Dr. Sarah Ruddle - PHD Student
Post-Doc @ max planck institute
Umayr Asim Syed - Life science research professional
lsrp @ Stanford med (Yasuhiro shudo’s lab)
Dr. Krystal Thomas-White - Post-Doc
Senior Scientist @ EVVY Health
Dr. Liliana Moura masis - Research Scientist
Director of Immunology @ Eli Lilly
Dr. Susan Brewer - PHD Student
Post-doc @ University of Washington
Dr. Lilian Lam - PhD Student & Post-Doc
Senior Project manager @ Genentech
Dr. Phoom Chairatana - Post-DOC
Faculty of medicine @ Siriraj hospital,
Mahidol University
dr. SKY BRUbaker - Post-doc
Associate director & head of Preclinical research @ Vitri Vax
Dr. Jared Honeycutt - PhD student
Post-Doc @ Eppi Center, UCSF
Eugene Kim - Undergraduae researcher
Lsrp @ stanford med (Andrews lab)
Dr. Julia Co - Post-Doc
Senior Principal Scientist @ Genentech
Dr. Thibault Sana - Post-Doc
lead project engineer @ neoearth
Dr. Amanda Jacobson - phd student
senior scientific manager @ evommune
Dr. Sarah Carden - phd student
Principal scientist @ DEM biopharma, inc.
Dr. Marta Andres Terre - phd student
biopharma research analyst @ point72
Dr. Jens Kortmann - post-doc
Principal scientific researcher @ Genentech
Dr. Brooke Napier - post-doc
principal scientist of immunology @ seed health
Dr. Nicholas eisele - post-doc
senior project manager @ atreca inc.
Dr. Nina gertsvolf - technician
Medical school usC, resident @ nyu
DR. Jonathan JOnes - phd student
director of neurological rare disease, strategic analytics & intelligence @ genentech
Dr. Tessie Ng - post-doc
senior associate Scientist @ amgen
PRof. Petr broz - post-doc
associate professor @ university of lausanne, switzerland
Dr. Maikke ohlson - post-doc
senior research scientist @ ut southwestern
DR. Laura McLaughlin - post-doc
Scientist @ levitasbio
Dr. thomas ruby - post-doc
CEO @ graphene DX & CSO @ Velocity Dx
Dr. Kelly storek - post-doc
Principal scientist @ Genentech
Dr. Smita gopinath - phd student
AssiStant Professor @ Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public health
Prof. david weiss - postdoc
professor @ emory university
dr. trevor lawley - postdoc
Co-founder, CSO @ Microbiotica and group leader @ wellcome sanger institute
Dr. Thomas Henry - POSTDOC
principal investigator @ Inserm
dr. jeffrey margolis - phd student
founder/president @ Innovation strategies inc.
Dr. Anna Brotcke zumsteg - PHD Student
Program officer @ Bill & melinda gates foundation
dr. kamila belhocine - postdoc
senior director molecular biology @ 10x genomics
sarah fisher - editorial assistant