E-mail: ramyan@stanford.edu for quotes/business purposes; dmonack@stanford.edu to contact Professor Monack

Phone: +1 650-723 -1221 This is the lab phone number, not for contacting Professor Monack; please email to contact her instead
Fax: +1 650-725-7282 This is a common departmental fax line; do not send sensitive information here

Interested in joining? We are recruiting both Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral Researchers!

Potential Ph.D. students should submit a Stanford Biosciences application, and select the Microbiology and Immunology or Immunology home programs, and indicate Professor Monack as “Faculty of Interest” in the “Supplemental Information” section.

Post-doctoral candidates should inquire directly with Professor Monack (dmonack@stanford.edu).

299 Campus Drive, Fairchild Building D331
Stanford, CA